Monday, May 13, 2013

Home Workouts

Now that nicer weather has rolled around, I've started running in the mornings before work. Def have some winter weight to run off - but I really just love starting my day with a run. I feel so accomplished after AND it keeps me eating healthy all day. I'm a lot less likely to reach for a soda when I know I took the time to work out already that day.


I don't have much extra time in the morning to stretch and get some other exercises in, so I wanted to starting doing something after work to start to tone up. My husband prefers to run after work, so I use that time to rock some Pilates and work on toning my legs, arms and abs :)

I found some great (free) classes On Demand (I have Time Warner Cable in NYC). It feels great to add in toning exercises - without having to pay like $20 per class (welcome to the city haha).

My choice of the day:

And welcome to exercising in a 1 bedroom apartment:

I always need running motivation ~

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